Recreational Classes at Airborne Trampoline KW 2021
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to compete in the Olympics? It may seem like a far fetched idea, but with enough determination and hard work, anyone can become an Olympic athlete. Here at Airborne Trampoline, we’re dedicated to creating a fun and prosperous environment for those interested in learning the sport […]
My Experience with Competitive Trampoline
When I first tried out for the Airborne Trampoline KW competitive trampoline team, I was extremely nervous. In retrospect, though, there was really no need to be; the tryout itself was a very friendly experience. I simply showed the coach what I could do so my skill level could be gauged while the other […]
Airborne’s Indoor Trampoline Gym
Airborne’s Indoor Trampoline Gym Do your kids love jumping? Do they cry and whine for you to sign them up into programs at an indoor trampoline gym? GREAT! Trampolining is a fantastic way to get active and Airborne Trampoline is the perfect trampoline facility for you. Airborne Trampoline has locations in Vaughan, Newmarket, and Cambridge and specializes […]
Healthy Rebounding On A Mini Trampoline
Healthy Rebounding On a Mini Trampoline Keeping children active by playing sports such as basketball, volleyball, football, etc. has a myriad of physical and mental benefits utilized by sports and fitness enthusiasts. Believe it or not, the same physical benefits can be achieved by jumping on a mini trampoline. Once your kids jump, rebound, bounce, […]
Tips to Avoid Back Yard Trampoline Injuries
Trampoline safety is a big issue these days. Many families have purchased back yard trampolines (similar trampolines to those found at trampoline parks such as Sky Zone) for their house, and are trying to figure out what’s safe and unsafe to do on the trampolines. Just like with any other sports, there are many ways […]
The Importance Of A Kids Exercise Program
The Importance Of A Kids Exercise Program Excite your children with an entertaining and fun kids exercise program suitable for their physical and mental needs! As people say, children are the world’s future. Thus, parents should understand and support their natural desire for physical activity to help them get a lifetime of healthy and happy […]
Foam Rolling & Trampolining
Foam Rolling & Trampolining “Soft Myofascial Release” is not a very self-explanatory name. But fear not, it’s simply a fancy term for self massage to aid in muscle tightness and/or trigger points. So let’s introduce you to the more common term known as “foam rolling” and how to use it in a huge variety of […]
Happy Birthday George Nissen (Inventor Of The Trampoline)
George Nissen Day @Airborne Trampoline On February 3rd, the Gymnastics and Trampoline community takes a moment to appreciate the late George Nissen by celebrating George Nissen Day. For those of you who don’t know, George Nissen was the inventor of the modern day trampoline. Without George, Airborne Trampoline and many other gymnastics and trampoline facilities […]
Trampoline Exercise?
What Is Trampoline Exercise? Trampoline exercise? Yes, trampoline exercise. Most people don’t even know that a trampoline can be used as a workout tool or a standalone exercise. You can’t really blame them either. The media fills our heads with the notion that the only exercises worth pursuing consists of the big 3 which are […]
10 Health Benefits Of Trampolining

10 Health Benefits Of Trampolining Trampolining is a blast. From kids to teenagers to adults, any age group can jump on a trampoline and feel the freedom of breaking the laws of gravity and flying through the air. There are a few different ways to pursue the health benefits of trampolining. The two most popular […]