Trampoline Exercise?
What Is Trampoline Exercise? Trampoline exercise? Yes, trampoline exercise. Most people don’t even know that a trampoline can be used as a workout tool or a standalone exercise. You can’t really blame them either. The media fills our heads with the notion that the only exercises worth pursuing consists of the big 3 which are […]
Competitive Trampoline Improvements
Repairs, Maintenance, and Improvements The High Standards of our Competitive Trampolines Airborne Woodbridge’s reluctant quest to always improve our programs will often have us turn focus to our equipment. Along with additions and improvements, having a top-notch competitive trampoline program will also require constant maintenance and repairs. Before the season, we’ve added equipment features such […]
Freestyle Ski Trampoline Training
Freestyle Ski Trampoline Training As the winter season approaches, freestyle ski trampoline training groups, clubs, teams, and individuals are looking for facilities to safely practice their skills. They need to look no further than Airborne Trampoline Woodbridge. The perfect training aid for skiers and snowboarders alike is the trampoline. Without a doubt, the only apparatus […]