Jump Into Kids Trampoline Programs in Newmarket

Jump Into Kids Trampoline Programs In Newmarket Airborne Trampoline World Nowadays, there are various kinds of activities that your children can enjoy at any time. Generally, any physical activity can be very beneficial to your kids; however, often the list of activities include some that do not suit your child’s age or abilities. On the other hand, one […]

Things For Kids To Do In Newmarket

Things For Kids To Do In Newmarket How many times have you run out of things for kids to do around the house? Doesn’t it always seem that they whip through every activity you can conjure up with energy to spare? Wouldn’t it be nice if there were some things for kids to do that […]

March Break Trampoline Day Camp Is Here

March Break Trampoline Day Camp Is Here Campers from all over Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Markham, Toronto, Brampton, Bolton, & Nobleton (to name a few) will be heading over to Airborne Trampoline Vaughan next week to participate in Airborne’s amazing March Break Trampoline Day Camp. With enrolment bigger and better than ever, Airborne is upping its game […]

Top 5 Beginner Trampoline Tricks

Top 5 Beginner Trampoline Tricks   So you’ve bought a backyard trampoline, or you’ve visited a cool trampoline facility such as Airborne Trampoline Vaughan and want to learn how to do some awesome beginner trampoline tricks. Don’t get ahead of yourself, you’re no professional and sometimes it seems that even bouncing up and down in […]

Foam Rolling & Trampolining

Foam Rolling & Trampolining “Soft Myofascial Release” is not a very self-explanatory name. But fear not, it’s simply a fancy term for self massage to aid in muscle tightness and/or trigger points. So let’s introduce you to the more common term known as “foam rolling” and how to use it in a huge variety of […]

Happy Birthday George Nissen (Inventor Of The Trampoline)

George Nissen Day @Airborne Trampoline On February 3rd, the Gymnastics and Trampoline community takes a moment to appreciate the late George Nissen by celebrating George Nissen Day. For those of you who don’t know, George Nissen was the inventor of the modern day trampoline. Without George, Airborne Trampoline and many other gymnastics and trampoline facilities […]

Glow In The Dark Trampoline Party

Glow In The Dark Trampoline Party A Glow In The Dark Trampoline Party ? It sounds ridiculous until you’ve actually seen it.   Absolutely, and it is amazing! Airborne Trampoline in Vaughan has outfitted its facility with a cutting edge laser and light show and has debut the new  glow in the dark trampoline party. […]

Trampoline Exercise?

What Is Trampoline Exercise? Trampoline exercise? Yes, trampoline exercise. Most people don’t even know that a trampoline can be used as a workout tool or a standalone exercise. You can’t really blame them either. The media fills our heads with the notion that the only exercises worth pursuing consists of the big 3 which are […]

10 Health Benefits Of Trampolining

10 Health Benefits Of Trampolining   Trampolining is a blast. From kids to teenagers to adults, any age group can jump on a trampoline and feel the freedom of breaking the laws of gravity and flying through the air. There are a few different ways to pursue the health benefits of trampolining. The two most popular […]

Mom Approved Trampoline Parties

Mom Approved Trampoline Parties Have you ever gone on a mommie website to find out about trampoline parties? Mommie websites and groups are all the rage these days. With the advent of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+ and many other social media platforms, groups of Moms have gotten together and formed powerful communication groups to share […]