Jump Into Kids Trampoline Programs In Newmarket
Airborne Trampoline World
Nowadays, there are various kinds of activities that your children can enjoy at any time. Generally, any physical activity can be very beneficial to your kids; however, often the list of activities include some that do not suit your child’s age or abilities. On the other hand, one of the best activities for your kids to participate in their leisure time is at the brand new kids trampoline facility located in Newmarket. Airborne Trampoline Worlds brand new facility caters to all ages and promises the safest jumping experience available. If you want an experience that your kid will remember for a lifetime, check out Airborne’s new “JumpZone” trampoline park.
Aside from the extreme fun factor of bouncing on a trampoline, there are other reasons why your kids will have a blast when they jump into Airborne’s brand new indoor kids trampoline gym in Newmarket. First and foremost, it is a fun, effective, and efficient way to participate in a simple yet beneficial exercise. Based on studies, once your children have jumped for on Airborne’s kids trampolines for a minimum of 10 minutes, they have matched the equivalent of running for the same amount of time. Not to mention the fact that the trampolines are low impact and very forgiving (unlike running which can be very aggressive on the joints). Secondly, it is fantastic for their heart health. With today’s obesity rates, children of all ages run the risk of developing early onset heat problems. As scary as it sounds, it is becoming more prevalent in today’s society. When it comes to heart health, there is always a benefit for kids to strengthen the heart chambers and heart muscles at a very young age in order to protect themselves from the kind of illnesses associated with heart conditions. Jumping on a kids trampoline is a fantastic way to work the heart and in conjunction with a balanced diet, improve the overall health and well being of your children.
Jumping on Airborne Trampoline World’s kids trampoline programs can also help eliminate the risks of injuries to their ligaments, bones, and joints which can be considered one of the risks of those individuals who do not do their regular exercises. All kids, including adults who act like kids, should integrate a regular exercise program like trampolining to their daily lives. In fact, it is also beneficial for adults to participate. It is an amazing and fun way to prepare your children for the activities in life that require strong bones, ligaments and joints and muscles.
When jumping on Airborne’s kids trampolines, the impact on the bone structure helps develop the calcium and minerals which create strong, solid bone structure. Jumping also boosts the density of the bones which can reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.
Jumping in Airborne’s kids trampoline program is indeed a fun, challenging, exciting, and an invigorating activity. When participating in physical activities, the brain produces endorphins (or happy hormones) that have an amazing effect on the brain. The release of endorphin’s induces a feeling of euphoria which can last for hours after the physical activity has finished. So, when your kids become anxious, upset, angry, or are overall in a bad mood, bring them over to Airborne’s kids trampoline and get those endorphines flowing.
Last but not least, jumping can help improve your children’s mental alertness and improve their energy levels. When they participate in Airborne’s kids trampoline programs on a daily basis, oxygenation to the brain improves which results in the children becoming more energetic and mentally alert. But don’t take our word for it, jump over to Airborne Trampoline World in Newmarket today and check out all the programs and services offered in the kids trampoline program. See you soon!
Airborne Trampoline World’s Kids Trampoline Programs Include…
- Birthday Parties
- Trampoline Classes & Lessons
- Public Jumping
- Trampoline Aerobics
- School Group Bookings
- And much more!
Jump Over Today!
(905) 8536-9091