Fall Trampoline Classes: Session #2 Starting November
Ready for more trampoline classes? Airborne Trampoline Woodbridge is happy to announce the start of the registrations for The Fall Airborne Trampoline Classes, Session # 2. Have you never taken Airborne Trampoline Classes before? Read on for some fantastic information on trampolining, trampoline classes, and the fun new sport that is taking Canada by storm.
First, lets begin by filling in those who haven’t heard of Airborne’s Trampoline Classes before. Airborne Trampoline was first established in 1994 as a recreational gymnastics facility which specializes in the (now) Olympic sport of trampoline. Since then, Airborne Trampoline has grown into one of Canada’s biggest and most successful trampoline facilities. With 4 locations across the G.T.A. , and with more on the horizon, Airborne Trampoline is ready to introduce EVERYONE to the recreational sport of trampolining. Unlike the new breed of Trampoline Parks, Airborne employs Gymnastics Ontario, N.C.C.P. ,and First Aid Certified Trampoline Coaches. This enables Airborne Trampoline to offer a wide range of programs including the Trampoline Classes, and a top flight Competitive Trampoline Team. Having such an extensive history in the sport of trampolining, Airborne has constantly updated and upgraded the programs to produce a fantastic trampoline experience for all ages and body types. Believe it or not, we’ve even had an 86 year old man try out Airborne’s Trampoline Classes at Airborne Trampoline Woodbridge.
What are trampoline classes. Well, basically, trampoline classes are Airborne’s Gymnastics Ontario Certified coaches teaching our participants the skills and tricks in Airborne’s Trampolines skill set. Airborne’s trampoline skill level system was first developed by Canadian Olympic Trampoline Team Head Coach, Dave Ross. It has since been tweaked and perfected to make the most entertaining, safe, and enjoyable lesson session available to the gymnastics community. The coaches of Airborne’s Trampoline Classes begin with the basics of trampolining which includes the simplest of simple moves such as the “Stop Bounce” which teaches the jumpers how to, quite simply, STOP JUMPING (which is more difficult than it sounds). Other basic trampoline skills are the “Shape Jumps” (Pike, Straddle, Tuck, and Star), the “Seat Drop” (landing on your bum and returning to your feet), and the “Half/Full Turns” (180’s, 360’s, 720’s etc…). Once these levels are successfully achieved, the Airborne Trampoline Classes participants receive level achievement badges as they progress through levels 1-9. once they have achieved level 9, they receive their Bronze Medal for successful graduation to the Silver Levels. Many participants in our trampoline classes have decided to proceed onto the Airborne Competitive Trampoline Team after successful completion of the bronze levels.
Now that you know a thing or two about trampoline classes at Airborne Trampoline Woodbridge, maybe its time you came in and gave it a try. In the first fall session alone, the jumpers of Airborne’s Trampoline Classes have achieved….
– 62 Individual “Airborne Level Ribbons” earned
– 20 Front Flips Taught
– 68 Seat Drops Perfected
– 39 Back Drops Completed
– 41 Stomach Drops Achieved
Now, as Airborne prepares for the second session of Airborne’s Trampoline Classes, the sky is the limit. Call, visit, or jump over to Airborne Trampoline’s Website today to find out more information on Trampoline Classes and the fun and thrills waiting for you at Airborne Trampoline Woodbridge.
Airborne Trampoline Woodbridge
171 Marycroft Avenue, Unit #7
Woodbridge, ON
(905) 850-8477